showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Kid Chameleon  Sega1992Included in Sega Mega Drive Classic Collection (Steam version)***Haciendo honor a su nombre, en este juego manejas a un niño chulito con gafas de sol que se transforma en la clásicas fantasías de todo chaval (caballero, samurai, piloto espacial...), con sus diversos poderes, en entornos acordes (bosque de fantasía, japón medieval, mundo futurista...)
Muy entretenido por su variedad.

7 de 10***
[27]***The local arcade is packed with kids, all lining up to play the latest, most realistic video game they've ever seen. It's called Wild Side, and it uses holographic images to immerse the player in a strange world. But there's a problem... Kids are literally getting sucked into the game, and now several of them are trapped. Throughout more than 100 levels, you'll take on several different forms, such as a Berzerker, a Micromax, a Maniaxe or a Skycutter, which will make you much more powerful. It's up to you, Kid Chameleon, the best gamer in town, to get yourself inside the game so that you can defeat the game's boss and bring your friends back to reality.***This game was a mix of supermario and Sonic the Hedgehod. You played the role of a 10 year old kid that gets trapped in a hi-tech arcade machine. The boss of the game has escaped and is triying to capture as many players as he can. Your goal is to get out of this infernal arcade.
In order to win, you'll need to use some special helmets found throught the game. These tranform you into several forms (a samurai, a Skateboarder, a Kinight...).
Pretty funny game. And really additive, but really hard, though.